This page is a space where I will share community events I am hosting as well as tips to assist with your healing.


I will be sharing with you how to harmonize your heart and brain....Increasing heart coherence creates an alignment of the body, mind, emotions, and spirit which increases balance, harmony and effectiveness.

            The heart's electromagnetic field is 5,000 times stronger than that of the brain. It's electrical field is 60 times greater than that of the brain. It is an organ of communication, a transmitter and receiver of information. All information comes through the heart before the brain and body. The heart will hear what it is programmed to hear. If love resides in the heart, it will tune to love. If fear, anger or resentment reside in the heart the heart will attune to that. What we focus upon we receive and transmit all through the heart, carried upon the breadth of our intention with the words and thoughts that we choose.

 Everyone has 40,000 specialized brain cells in their heart...these brain-like cells are called sensory neurites...Scientists call this the “little brain in the heart” and it can learn independently from the brain, it can also remember and think independently.

It can communicate with us separately from the neurons in the brain in a language that we may or may not recognize because we are conditioned to see the world through our brain.

Some people say only go with your heart, some people say only go with your brain...both are wrong because we need both... but when we marry and harmonize the heart and brain together something very special happens...we can process info more quickly and we deepen our intuition.

This technique is a trigger for over 13,000 biochemical reactions from the anti-aging hormones, to immune response, and cardiovascular health. The Cascade of biochemical reactions does not end when you open your eyes, laboratory studies show they will last at least six hours.

Heart Brain Coherence Technique

1.     I invite you to shift your awareness from your thinking mind into your heart. We are so conditioned to be in our mind...We say we are in our heart but we are still in our brain...So By gently touching your heart center with an open palm this will bring your awareness to your heart...Your awareness will always go to the place on your body where you feel the touch or sensation…The more you put your hands on your heart the more you grow this electromagnetic energy.

2.     Slow your breathing...5 inhale 5 exhale...Slowly! Imagine as if you were breathing in and out through your heart...This sends a very powerful signal to your body. It tells your body it is okay to relax, it says I'm turning my attention inward.  The only time you would breathe this way is when you are in a place that you feel safe... so you're telling your body I am in a place that is safe. This then frees your body to let go of stress hormones and hence awakens the healing chemistry within you. Your body can only do one or the other, so with this technique we are giving our body permission to awaken healing chemistry.

3.     The last step is very potent, it is the key! Create a Feeling in your heart...Create a feeling of care for anything or anyone... appreciation for anyone or anything…or compassion or gratitude for anyone or anything...Feel yourself sending those feelings of appreciation and care and love out into the universe through your heart. 5 light...out dark